Local Links:
Well, it's closer than you think now. Yes, that's
right, the big shebang of the year, Briscon '98 is rapidly approaching.
Check out their site here, to get
the details on all the events - there's freeform, role-playing and
wargaming. It's going to be great, so get your entries in early and
Gaming Resources and Links Links:
is the biggest, most chock-full RPG-oriented site on
the net.
Articles, reviews, humour, newsgroups, forums,
connections, links by
the score, everything you ever wanted to find on the
net about RPGs but
were too afraid to search for. The only problem is
that there is SO
MUCH stuff here, you may never find what you are
looking for. Getting
lost, though, is interesting anyway.
is like a smaller version of RPGNet. Links, forums,
heaps of up-to-date news, online
gaming and a very amusing monthly Top 10 list that is
definitely worth
checking out. They've recently started up a
fortnightly magazine -
varying in quality, but generally something of interest
each issue. Some
good stuff here.
For something a little less
commercial, check out Phil
Masters' RPG links page. Phil, of course, is a
rather brilliant British RPG writer, with more writing credits
then you can poke a stick at. His links page is one of the most
and comprehensive on the net, and is definitely worth a look for
any role-player.
There's also @fantasy,
an "online journal of fantasy adventure
role-playing". Another
resource site, with articles, discussions, humour,
gaming ideas and
links. A bit thin on the ground, and too much implied
AD&D for my
liking but you might find something of interest here.
Lastly, we mention some smaller links sites: Dwarven Tavern
Cyberzine has
some links on it, as well as a lot of fiction and poetry.
And Philommedes
just lists a whole bunch straight out without any
crap. Not bad.
Other Net-Zines:
RPGnet has a list of RPG zine's on the net. We took that list
and took
out all those that were print only, all those that were in foreign
langauges, all those that belonged to a company, all those
that were
about one game only, all those that were dead, all those that were
really weird and all those that seriously sucked. Here's what
was left.
Times is Australian, and has lasted a long time.
Unlike most
fanzines it is consistent, coming out once a month like
Sometimes, though, they'll have too many stories and new rules
(and too few articles) for our tastes
but this is still one of the best RPG zines on the
Role-Playing News is small (like us) and a little
lacking in
content and readers (like us), but is dedicated to
exploring the
full potential of role-playing games (like us!). No
wonder we
like 'em so much.
Interregnum is
actually a print magazine, but the samples they
provide are of such good
quality they deserve a mention. Most of their stuff
eventually worms
its way into the RPGnet articles section. Worth
checking out.
Expose's name speaks for itself. Described as
"where news meets
truth meets game" whatever that means. But it's
irreverent attitude
towards the gaming industry is quite amusing. At the
moment though, it
is seriously lacking in any real content. Has
is a very small production that showed a lot of
promise, but now
looks like it never made it passed the first issue.
Alas. Hopefully,
it may be revived one day.Dimensions
is another one that was good, but has since passed on. You might
find something interesting in the remains, though.
Both imazine
and Obifex
look good, but both require plug-ins to be downloaded,
and hence
we didn't bother going any further. If you have more
this could prove rewarding. We hear Imazine has a long-standing
reputation for quality.
Miscellaneous Links:
Everyone needs to
check out Andrew
Rilstone's site. The man is a genius, a visionary
and a
phenomenally talented writer. Occasionally he has
turned his talents
to writing about role-playing, most notably in the pages of
arcane magazine. If you enjoy stimulating
and intelligent examinations of modern sociological issues, or
if you're just a Doctor Who fan, this is the site for you.
APA. is more than a bit odd, has really annoying
frames, and its
resources are pretty much useless unless you play
their "Fantasy
Realms" game, but all this is forgiven (or at least
ignored) because
they have got the most kick-ass silly music when you
open the page.
Go, listen, and be amazed.