A perfect complement to RPG.net where the
prime interest is on commercial roleplaying games,
Uncle Bear is the definitive
place to go for free goodies. The roleplaying game section of the site is a
huge collection of roleplaying systems. It's a must see with dozens and
dozens of links checked periodically. You will also find a lot of free fonts
covering a whole lot of genres familiar with role-players. An impressive site
and one you'll want to come back to often.
Interested in the design of your very own roleplaying game? Or perhaps
you simply want to modify the one you are currently using?
The rpg-create
discussion list is for you. Whether you are wondering how to implement a
magic system, or worrying about game balance issue, this list has a little bit
of everything for every RPG designer. There are currently well over a hundred
members and a lot of activity on the list. Any issues surrounding the design of a RPG can be discussed including (but certainly not limited to) art, commercialization, rules, settings, balance, historical accuracy, originality, useful links and resources for designers. There are some very clever and helpful folks on this list and of course, you
don't have to be a professional designer to subscribe.
It's still the big news all over the industry: there will be a 3rd edition
of AD&D, except now the "Advanced" will be dropped. To know more about it and keep yourself
up to date, here is
the official link to the 3rd edition, where you'll find all the answers
you are looking for. It also contains art sketches and interviews with
some of the members of the design team. The FAQ is extensive so it should include your questions.
Let's not forget that D&D is not the only system available from TSR. The SAGA
system, using cards instead of dice is another offering from TSR and a much
underrated one. Coming in two flavors, Marvel and Dragonlance, this product
versatility and elegance has proven a blessing for some, and they have created
the NoDice discussion list
where rules changes and adaptation to other settings (including Star Wars, Ravenloft.
Modern days, etc...) are discussed.
One user of the NoDice discussion list is Tom Harrison, and his site, called
Blusponge's Gray Matter
is a great place for SAGA neophyte. This guy loves SAGA and the world of
Greyhawk, so he has combined the two. If you have never played SAGA, you will
learn more about it here than on TSR's official site! Aside from Greyhawk SAGA,
there is a bit on the RPG 7th sea and some useful links.
The Encyclopedia Mythica is
just what it claims to be, a great and informative encyclopedia on mythology,
folklore and legends. This isn't a pure RPG link, but is guaranteed to be useful
for your gaming needs in that field. Can be used either as an historically
accurate reference or as a way to sparkle your imagination. On top of all the info
covering many myths and legends is also an interesting image gallery and some
interesting articles. There are even some genealogy's tables (useful when you deal
with guys like Zeus, who just can't get enough of chasing mortal tail...)
Pagan Publishing guru
John Tynes, the man behind the devilishly good Delta Green supplement has his
own web site on the net called Revland.
A very interesting site where you will learn more about the man and get a chance to
look at some of his unpublished games, articles and fiction. You also get access to some of his published works, including everything you need to play the superb Puppetland RPG, and the full text of Power Kill. Tynes is also a web designer and it shows. The site is simple and effective - although the black background lets it down.
You are running short of ideas for your upcoming game session? And the session
is in less than 4 hours? Hmmm...you better hurry and find an idea. But if you don't,
then the Random Log-Line
Generator might help you. This generator can throw as many random ideas as
you want by simply matching a few words to create a sentence. There are millions
of combinations possible. Admittedly, some (most) of them don't make a lot of
sense and are better suited for beer and pretzels sessions....but sometimes, it
can save your skin. And it's a lot of fun. Here's what the generator came with on my first three tries:
A toxicologist and a pyromaniac store owner give conflicting reports to the
A teacher and a refugee from Alaska hide from their oppressors.
A tattered demigod takes advantage of the husband of a lounge singer.